Zeev$97356$ - tradução para Inglês
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Zeev$97356$ - tradução para Inglês

Zeev Bielski
  • Chairman of the Jewish Agency Ze'ev Bielski meeting Senator Barack Obama in Jerusalem, 2006

n. Zeev (hebreeuwse eigennaam)
Zeev Jabotinsky         
  • Testimonial to Jabotinsky from the 38th Battalion Royal Fusiliers
  • 20px
  • Editorial staff of Razsvet in Saint Petersburg, 1912. Sitting (R–L): 1) Max (Mordecai) Soloveichik (Solieli), 2) Avraham Ben David Idelson, 3) [[Zeev Jabotinsky]]; Standing: 1) Arnold Zeidman, 2) Alexander Goldstein, 3) Shlomo Gefstein
  • Grave of Jabotinsky, [[Mount Herzl]], [[Jerusalem]]
  • Ze'ev's Stronghold]]", and is named after Ze'ev Jabotinsky. It used to be the center of the [[Herut]] Party, and is now the central institute of the [[Likud]] Party.
  • Ze'ev Jabotinsky (bottom right) meeting with [[Betar]] leaders in [[Warsaw]]. Bottom left [[Menachem Begin]] (probably 1939).
  • London Regiment]] between 1916 and 1917
  • Jabotinsky with his wife and son
  • Obituary of Jabotinsky, 4 August 1940
  • Jabotinsky's grandson Ze'ev with his daughter Tal beside Jabotinsky's uniforms and military decorations at the Jabotinsky Institute and Museum
  • Victory Medal]] awarded to Jabotinsky
Jabotinski; Vladimir Jabotinsky; Vladimir Evgenevich Jabotinsky; Vladimir Zhabotinsky; Zeev Zhabotinsky; Ze'ev Zhabotinsky; Zeev Zhabotinski; Vladimir Zhabotinski; Vladimir Jabotinski; Zeev Jabotinski; Ze'ev Jabotinski; Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky; Zev Jabotinsky; Zeev Jabotinsky; Włodzimierz Żabotyński; Vladimir Ze'ev Zhabotinsky; Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky; Lone Wolf (Jabotinsky biography); Wlodzimierz Zabotynski; Lone Wolf (Jabotinsky Biography); זאב ז'בוטינסקי; Зеэв Жаботинский; Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky; Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky; Volodymyr Zhabotinsky; Jabotinsky Institute
n. Zeev Yabotinski (zionistisch leider, een van de oprichters van de revisionistische volkspartij)
Benny Begin         
n. Benny Begin (zoon van Menachem Begin, een van de persoonlijkheden in de Likoedbeweging van de jaren negentig)


Ze'ev Bielski

Ze'ev Bielski (Hebrew: זאב בילסקי, born 13 March 1949) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Kadima between 2009 and 2013. He previously chaired the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization and worked as a Jewish Agency emissary in South Africa. He also served as the mayor of Ra'anana (served 1989–2005, 2013–2018). Bielski is a founder of The Israel Forum, whose purpose is to maintain a direct relationship between young Jews from the Diaspora and Israel in the areas of education and economy. He also played in the Israeli national basketball league.